• Object – Final Project Documentation

    Description For this project, had just planned to make a simple world clock. After some feedback on the design, I wanted to take it a little further from a standard clock’s layout. I was inspired by another project by Mike Mak (they unfortunately removed it from their website, but you can find a photo of…

  • Object – Motors

    My process for this lab was pretty much standard; I followed along with the circuit diagrams, and then everything just sorta worked¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I only have photos of the stepper, but have videos of both: So here are those videos: Here are my circuit diagrams: And here is my code:

  • Object – Lab 4 – Analog Game

    For this project, I made a little submarine-type game.  I admittedly didn’t worry too much about how it looked, focusing moreso on making the game itself semi-engaging.  For this game, the player pilots a submarine through obstacles in an attempt to reach the other side.  If they collide with the obstacles, lights flash an “explosion”…

  • Sensor Box

    For this lab, I started at Part 1.  I followed along with the circuit diagram provided in the Canvas assignment, and then when I had the circuit created, I wrote some code for it that ran it according to the lab. Analog Input/Output – Sensors After I finished Part 1, I moved on to Part…

  • Digital I/O Breakout Boards

    Like the last lab, I don’t really know what all to say here for my process.  I basically just followed along with the circuit diagrams and soldered as I went.  The breakout board for the switch was a bit of a pain, but that was more my own fault for using a switch with connectors…

  • Object – Lab 1 – Simple Circuits

    Process: There wasn’t a whole lot to the process on this one, to be totally honest. I did have to look up the pin out for the 7805 before I could start, but once I had that I just hooked up the barrel jack and then followed along with the circuit diagram.  I did have…