• Capstone – Final Presentation – Helioneró

    Overview Video: Project Report: Presentation

  • Capstone 2 – 50% Progress Report

    Things have been going! I was able to do the function test, and while it was a fail-forward I was able to get a ton of great data and confirmed many of my processes. Rather than wait outside for a warm, sunny day, I took the power of the sun into my own hands and…

  • Capstone 2 – Mid-Semester Update

    So far I’ve designed the crappy-but-it-works version! It looks gross, I’ll be honest.  My intention was to make the project as off-the-shelf as possible, but I think that in order for it to function to its full potential it will need some custom parts.  I’m gonna 3D print a few parts, but I’m also going…