Folkewall Case Study
Abstract: Grey water (all waste water not including sewage) can normally be disposed of along with sewage. However, this is quite wasteful, and unnecessary for most waste water. Folke Gunther, a sustainability advocate, developed a design for s structure called a Folkewall. A Folkewall has greywater added/pumped in at the top, where it flows through…
Prototyping Phase 3
So for this last phase, I doubled up two aspects of the prototype: Look/Feel and Role. For these, I build an exploded 3D model, showing how the different parts can be disassembled. I felt I needed to do this for two different reasons. First being that one of the requirements I have for this project…
Prototyping Phase 2
This week, I focused more on the wind powered section of the project. Tech Ok so that was partially a lie; for tech, I finished up the water testing from last weeks biofilter test. Unfortunately, either I didnt run the filter for long enough or the filter was too small, because it seems that the…
Prototyping – Phase 1
For my prototyping, I wanted to start with prototypes tangentially connected to my final project, then get closer and closer to a direct prototype in the later phases. Because of this, this week’s phase was almost like a case study. To start with the most underwhelming, for Look/Feel I built a little cardboard and office…
Capstone 1 – Prototype Proposal
For my capstone, I think I want to try building a test of a biofilter. My design I want to try is a PVC pipe with a screw inside to create more surface area. Then fill the empty space with biomass, so that it can clean the water that passes from the top through the…
5 Top Capstone Ideas
While most of my ideas were either very out-of-scope or just dumb, a few stood out to me. Not a whole lot, but a few. Fiske Science Exibit I am currently in an ATLAS 4519 class whose main goal is to research and design a science exhibit for Fiske Planetarium. My team’s currently project is…
Capstone 1 – Why
To tell the truth, I’m not exactly sure what my Why is yet. I think in the past many of my projects have been either a way to learn a skill or something I simply thought was cool. I guess in that sense my Why was Self-Betterment, but I think in this class something that…
Domains and Precedents
Domains For my domains, I found that most of the work I’ve done in the past falls into one or more of the following… Physical Tech (Balloon Satellite, Drone, RockPad, Exoplanet data gathering) “Soft” Tech (small video game, my website, email scraper, YOU art installation concept) Audio (Live sound, Foley work, voice acting) …with a…