• Object – Lab 1 – Simple Circuits

    Process: There wasn’t a whole lot to the process on this one, to be totally honest. I did have to look up the pin out for the 7805 before I could start, but once I had that I just hooked up the barrel jack and then followed along with the circuit diagram.  I did have…

  • Wearables Wrap-up and Final Documentation

    My final project for this class was a temperature sensing glove for cooking.  The theory being: Ovens all slightly differ, and few heat evenly.  Most people will learn their home oven, but in somewhere like a restaurant there isn’t time for trial and error.  Thus, by making an oven mitt that will display temperature visually,…

  • Folkewall Case Study

    Abstract: Grey water (all waste water not including sewage) can normally be disposed of along with sewage. However, this is quite wasteful, and unnecessary for most waste water.  Folke Gunther, a sustainability advocate, developed a design for s structure called a Folkewall. A Folkewall has greywater added/pumped in at the top, where it flows through…

  • Prototyping Phase 3

    So for this last phase, I doubled up two aspects of the prototype: Look/Feel and Role. For these, I build an exploded 3D model, showing how the different parts can be disassembled. I felt I needed to do this for two different reasons. First being that one of the requirements I have for this project…

  • Prototyping Phase 2

    This week, I focused more on the wind powered section of the project. Tech Ok so that was partially a lie; for tech, I finished up the water testing from last weeks biofilter test. Unfortunately, either I didnt run the filter for long enough or the filter was too small, because it seems that the…

  • Protected: April 7 2019 – Canyon City

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Prototyping – Phase 1

    For my prototyping, I wanted to start with prototypes tangentially connected to my final project, then get closer and closer to a direct prototype in the later phases. Because of this, this week’s phase was almost like a case study. To start with the most underwhelming, for Look/Feel I built a little cardboard and office…

  • Capstone 1 – Prototype Proposal

    For my capstone, I think I want to try building a test of a biofilter.  My design I want to try is a PVC pipe with a screw inside to create more surface area.  Then fill the empty space with biomass, so that it can clean the water that passes from the top through the…

  • 5 Top Capstone Ideas

    While most of my ideas were either very out-of-scope or just dumb, a few stood out to me. Not a whole lot, but a few. Fiske Science Exibit I am currently in an ATLAS 4519 class whose main goal is to research and design a science exhibit for Fiske Planetarium. My team’s currently project is…

  • Lab 2 – DIY Soft Switch

    The idea of folding fabric to complete a circuit got me thinking about when I frequently see that movement in my normal life. The idea that seemed to stick with me is the idea of a garment that tells you when your form is correct, like a built-in spotter. The design I settled on was…