Digital I/O Breakout Boards

Like the last lab, I don’t really know what all to say here for my process.  I basically just followed along with the circuit diagrams and soldered as I went.  The breakout board for the switch was a bit of a pain, but that was more my own fault for using a switch with connectors so close together.  The board for the LEDs was zero problem though, easy peasy. For the code I mostly pulled from the prewritten examples, because I don’t believe in re-inventing the wheel if I don’t have to 🙂

Digital IO (NeoPixel) Code:

Breakout Board Code:


Note: I didn’t write the resistor values on the circuit diagram, but the only one that matters was the 50 Ohm resistor for the LEDs, calculated from a 5v supply voltage and 2v forward voltage from each LED for (5v-(2v+2v))/0.02A = 50 Ohm.


Digital IO (Neopixel)

Breakout Board

Another note: I really feel like I recorded these in landscape, but apparently I didn’t :/ At the point of writing this I’ve already torn the circuits back apart, so I understand if this costs me a point or two.